Cat Breeds

What are those special hairs in your cat’s ears?



Have you noticed the beautiful hairs on the inner part of your cat’s ears? Some cats have a dense cluster of hairs, some have hairs that are quite long, while others have very subtle hairs in appearance. These hairs that extend from the inside of the ear are called Ears furniture.

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The role of the furniture of the ears

Ear furniture is not just to make ears look even more beautiful than they already do. These hairs play a crucial role in the maintenance of the health of the ear by providing a protective barrier to help prevent particles of rubble, mites and dust to infiltrate the sensitive ear channel. Cats are known as meticulous hairdressers, but they cannot effectively clean the interior of their ears, so the hairs catch the debris, which makes it easier for the legs to slide it during cleaning. This, in turn, helps reduce the risk of ear infections that can result from the accumulation of foreign particles.

The role of the furniture of the ears extends beyond hygiene and health. They also contribute to the acute audience of the cat to act as receivers to detect sound vibrations.

The role of ear strands

In addition to the ear furniture, certain cat races have another set of special hairs called Earlons. They are also known as Lince advice. These distinctive -looking hairs are placed on the tips of the ears. The function of the ear strands is to improve the audition filtering the sounds down into the auditory channel.

Similar to the furniture of the ears, the strands of the ears also help to catch the remains to maintain the cleaning and health of the ear.

For many cats of cats, the furniture of the ears and the strands of the distinctive ears add a touch of the savage to the appearance of a cat, which resembles the lynx or other wild cats, but as with all the aspects of its incredible anatomy, everything in the cat is optimized for efficiency.

Ah, and if you have ever wondered about that little cleft at the base of the ear that forms a small bag, it is called Henry’s pocket. To read more about it:

The mysterious pockets in your cat’s ears

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Do you need more information?

If you like information about the behavior and training of the cat, consult the books of PAM Johnson-Bennett. PAM’s books are available in bookstores and also online. We have included Links to Amazon here on our website for convenience.

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