Cat Facts
Strange behaviors of explained cats – Cat Behavior Alliance and Carolina Cat Sanctuary
The feline mischief explained (and how to fix them)
By Rita Reimers, multi -cat behavior expert
Does your cat pursue invisible insects, play glasses of water as if it were a hobby or approaches the house at 3 am?
Relax, you are not alone. The strange behaviors of cats are quite common among our feline friends.
Our feline friends have peculiarities that often leave us scratching our heads (and sometimes our furniture). Let’s decode those “strange” cats and, where necessary, we help fix them.
1. Zoomies at 3 am (midnight madness)
Why does it happen: Cats are twilight, which means they are more active at dawn and dusk, only when you try to sleep. In nature, this is hunting time. For interior cats, it is a good time to release accumulated energy.
How to solve it:
- Play with your cat during the night to tire them. Use toys that imitate dams, such as wands of feathers or laser pointers.
- Offer a small snack before bedtime; A complete belly can promote sleep.
- Cantén a constant sleep and food schedule to restore your internal clock.
2. Discharging things (is your cat a small chaos agent?)
Why does it happen: Cats are curious creatures that use their legs to explore and try objects. Sometimes things knock only to see what happens (Hello, gravity!).
Other times, it’s just to get your attention.
How to solve it:
- Enrique your surroundings with safe toys for cats, treases of trees and scrapers.
- Avoid leaving tempting items, such as glasses or fragile decoration, full edges.
- If it is the attention, be sure to get enough game time and stimulation throughout the day.
3. Bite during the loading sessions (the phenomenon of “Love hurts”)
Why does it happen: This is often known as Careso -induced aggression. Cats have sensitive nerve endings, and caresses can become overestimulants after a while.
Biting is his way of saying: “I’ve had enough!”
How to solve it:
- Pay attention to the warning signals: flashing tail, ears turning back or leather shaking. Stop stroking before they react.
- Follow the caresses of caresses and make up in the areas that most cats enjoy, as under the chin or behind the ears.
- Let your cat come to you for affection, do not force it.
Why does it happen: Cats have higher audition and vision. What seems like a blank look for us could be that they track a small sound, a subtle movement or simply dreaming about his next nap.
How to solve it:
- You don’t need to fix! This behavior is harmless. Let your cat embrace its spooky and mysterious atmosphere.
5. Tracking the furniture (the favorite DIY project of a feline)
Why does it happen: Tracking is a natural behavior. Cats do it to stretch, sharpen their claws and mark their territory. Your sofa is just your canvas.
How to solve it:
- Provide scratch alternatives such as posts and resistant pads. Use catnip or candy to attract them.
- Cover the favorite furniture places with double -sided tape or furniture covered to make the duties less attractive.
- Cut your cat’s claws regularly to minimize damage.
6. chattering the birds (small hunters, great frustration)
Why does it happen: The talk is an instinctive behavior. It is believed to mimic the “Kill Bite” cats that they use in the dam. When your inner cat sees a bird or squirrel outside, this instinct occurs, frustration continues because they cannot catch it.
How to solve it:
- Configure a window hanger for a safe bird observation. Add interactive toys to keep them committed.
- Provide a TV CAT experience: birds of birds or fish can be a great substitute. Verify Relax my cat Videos on YouTube.
7. Bringing “gifts” (dead things and toys)
Why does it happen: Cats are natural hunters. When they bring you prey (or a toy mouse), they share their success with you, or teach you how to “hunt” as a proud mentor.
How to solve it:
- Praise his “gift” to reinforce the link (even if he prefers no).
- Redirect hunting instincts with interactive toys or puzzle feeders.
Final thoughts on strange cat behaviors
The “strange” behaviors of his cat are only part of what makes them infinitely fascinating and adorable. Many peculiarities come from instincts, so the key to administering these habits is to understand what is behind them.
When enriching your environment and being patient, you can live harmoniously with your little mystery … that you can still look at the walls and run at midnight, but hey, this is life with cats!