Cat Breeds
Why you shouldn’t tear a cat
The breakdown has been a common practice in the management of cats for a long time. It is the method of restriction of cats to most veterinary professionals were originally taught. The breakdown is where the cat is grabbed by the skin loose on the back of the neck. Although this restriction technique has been widely used for so long, it is essential to know why it should be avoided in most situations. There are more human methods to drive and control a cat.
What is breakdown?
There are different levels of breakdown, ranging from a soft cellar to a firm understanding of the skin on the back of the neck, depending on whether a cat requires a mild, moderate or severe restriction. Unfortunately, the breakdown has also been used to lift and wear a cat. In general, the rear feet are also supported, however, in some cases, the cat can keep most of the body weight that hung in the air during transport.
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The breakdown is often used to completely immobilize a cat where the neck grabs well, the rear feet is held and the cat stretches for its exam or some other procedure.
The argument to break down is that it supposedly imitates how kittens are shown when the mother’s cat picks them up in this way. Unfortunately, a human cannot replicate the specific amount of pressure used by a mother cat, as well as other signs of mother language to Gatito. In addition, kittens are only broken down during their first weeks of life. Young kittens, when they maintain in this way, freeze reflexively and snuggle through their legs. During the first weeks of life, when kittens are not very mobile, this ability for Mother Cat to pick up her kittens quickly, allows them to move them efficiently if she feels danger or if a kitten moves too much. This trigger reflex decreases as they grow.
What’s wrong with tearing?
It can be painful and distressing. This can vary from discomfort to absolute pain. The breakdown can create fear and can create a negative association with the person who made the breakdown or the environment where the cat has the experience. It can erode trust and the cat can begin to fear any type of handling.
The breakdown is often badly used as a training method to discipline a cat. This is an ineffective and inhuman training attempt. The cat will not associate breakdown with unwanted behavior, but will associate the distressing experience with the person who makes breakdown. Punish training does nothing to teach the cat the desired behavior. The appropriate training method is to identify the reason for the behavior so that it can supply what the cat needs. When you use a positive and strength training technique, it establishes the cat to succeed and strengthens the link.
The breakdown can lead to greater aggression. The breakdown can put a cat in a defensive position where he feels to protect himself by biting or scratching.
Best alternatives to break down
To avoid having to tear your cat to fight it in the carrier for a trip to the veterinary clinic, follow these steps to train your cat to feel comfortable with the carrier and travel:
- Leave the bearer. Place the carrier somewhere neutral of his home (not near the sand box or the food station). Place a bent towel inside to be more cozy as a place to take a nap.
- Wearing sweets. Start by leaving sweets near the carrier and eventually at the top and inside. This will encourage your cat to explore the carrier at their own pace and receive a reward for approaching.
- Close the carrier door. When your cat feels comfortable entering and leaving the carrier, you can briefly close the door when it is there, then open it again and offer an immediate reward.
- Raise the bearer. With your cat inside the carrier, raise it gently and walk around the room. This will help your cat feel more comfortable with movement. Place the carrier, open the door and offer a reward.
- Test Test in the Car. First make the cat feel comfortable with his carrier in the car. Do not turn the engine first times. When he feels that the cat is ready, the engine starts and let the cat get used to that feeling. The next step is to do some tests in the car where you simply make short trips.
- Create comfort. Your cat can feel more comfortable if there is a light roof towel on the bearer. Sprinkle the towel slightly with Flirtation. Do not reproduce music at full volume while you are in the car. Use a soft tone while driving to reassure your cat.
- Be patient. Go to your cat’s rhythm. The training can take time, but hopefully will make future trips to the veterinary clinic less stressful for both you and your cat.
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In the Veterinary Clinic
- Don’t take the carrier cat. When he put the bearer at the exam table, open the carrier’s door and give his cat a few minutes to adjust. The cat can leave the carrier on his own. If you leave the carrier, give him time to investigate the room. If the cat remains on the bearer, you can remove the upper part (if you use a sore). In this way, your cat can remain in the lower half for most of the exam.
- Towels are useful. If the cat must withdraw from the carrier, a towel can be gently placed on it instead of breaking down. There are several methods of restriction of towels that can be used with cats. He who chooses his veterinarian will be based on the body part that must be visible. Its veterinary and veterinary technicians are familiar with the type of envelope techniques. When using a towel wrap restriction method, care should be taken not to wrap so well that it makes the cat have breathing difficulties. Many cats will also feel less anxious if they can hide their heads under a towel or blanket. If you visit a certified veterinary clinic without fear, they will be well trained in low stress management techniques and without force.
- Wearing sweets. During an exam, having sweets like Churu, or one that your cat prefers, can provide sufficient positive distraction so that the veterinarian can perform any exam or procedure that is necessary with a minimum stress for the animal. For some cats, distractions such as toys, feathers, Feromona spray also work well.
- Follow the cat’s example. Some cats feel more comfortable when they are in the lap of cat parents, on the floor or be retained. What matters is that the management method used is the least stressful for the cat, while it is safer for all involved (Cat, Veterinary, Technician and Cat parent).
- Soft maintenance. If the cat is scared or showing aggression and must be collected and transported, wrapped safely in a towel while it has a covered head and the body completely supported is the best method.
- The security of the hiding place. Towels and blankets can be the best source of security when they are in the veterinary clinic. They allow the cat to feel hidden and protect the person who handles injuries.
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Pay attention to what the cat needs
When you need to drive a cat that is afraid or highly stressed, take a moment and pay attention to what the cat’s body language says. You will get clues about what the situation could reduce. Pause before jumping directly to the handling to determine whether to offer a candy, a toy distraction, allowing the cat to hide under a towel, lowering the lights or some soft method will create an environment where the cat does not have to resort to self -defense.
Here is a video of the deceased Dr. Sophia Yin, which shows how you can even examine a wild cat without tear.
Do you need more information?
For more information about the behavior and training of the cat, see the best-selling books of PAM Johnson-Bennett. PAM’s books are available in bookstores and online. We have included Amazon links here on our website.
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