Cat Behavior

Why are cats rub their face in the corners? 5 reasons verified by veterinarian – Catster



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Cats often participate in behaviors that leave us bewildered or confused. Although we could find that they are strange, many of these behaviors are normal for cats. The new cat owners may be surprised at how much their cats will rub their face against corners, objects and even people. However, this action is a common feline behavior, and generally does not have to be alarmed by it.

While it is not completely sure why cats will rub their cheeks against corners, behaviorists and cat experts share some common speculations. Here are some possible reasons why your cat can rub the face in the corners.

The 5 reasons why cats rub their face in the corners

1. Marked territory

One of the most widely accepted theories for cats by rubbing their faces in the corners is that they leave their aroma to objects. Cats use aromas to communicate, and have aroma glands located around their cheeks. When cats rub their face in objects, they leave behind an aroma that other cats can detect. Cats can collect information about other cats when they olfat these aromas.

Cats can tend to prefer to rub their cheeks against the corners because the corners provide them with the best grip. Rubbing the face against flat walls can be more difficult, so they generally opt for wall and furniture corners.

Image credit: Bombermoon, Shuttersock

2. Greetings

It is common for cats to greet each other rubbing their face. This behavior allows them to exchange aromas and learn more about the other. If your cat begins to feel comfortable and you like you, you can start rubbing your cheeks against you as soon as you return home with them. You can take this as a sign that your cat is greeting you and wanting to let you know that you like you are at home.

It is important to keep in mind that not all cats will get involved in this behavior with humans. Therefore, you don’t have to worry too much if your cat does not rub your cheeks against you. They are probably showing love and affection through other means and expressions.

3. Wanting attention

Cats are observer animals and quickly know what kind of behavior they call their attention. Therefore, if you have the habit of paying attention to your cat when they rub against you, you are more likely to continue this behavior. This behavior is reinforced every time you recognize your cat when you rub your face against you. Consequently, many cats will begin to rub their cheeks against their owners when they are bored, hungry or feeling alone.

Image credit: Gordana Sermek, Shuttersock

4. Show affection

His cat can also rub his cheeks against him as a means to show affection. Similar to the brand of the territory, cats leave their aroma by rubbing their cheeks against them. Instead of seeing it as possessiveness, you can receive this behavior as a compliment. Cats will not rub their cheeks against the people who do not trust or who do not like. Therefore, you can take it as a sign that your cat likes you and sees you as one of yours if you start rubbing your cheeks against you.

5. Stress relief

The act of rubbing faces against something often feels comforting and relaxing for cats. Therefore, they can participate in this behavior when they want to relax or self -configure. Sometimes, cats begin to rub their faces against something when they feel stressed or anxious and want to calm down.

Cats also generally begin to rub their cheeks against things when they settle and feel comfortable in a home. In this context, you can take this behavior as a good sign that indicates that your cat recognizes that your home is also your home.

Image credit: Irina Sonophova, Shuttersock

Is it bad if my cat rubs my face in everything?

While rubbing faces about objects and people is a common behavior in cats, there are some cases in which an underlying problem can indicate. Sometimes, rubbing faces can become a compulsive behavior, which is generally caused by a disease or a mental health problem. For example, cats can start rubbing their faces and press their heads repeatedly when they have trauma in the head or nervous system, encephalitis or tumors. Cats can also resort to pressing the compulsive head if they are under a lot of stress or have anxiety.

Compulsive behavior of this type is also often accompanied by other signs. Your cat can also show a greater rhythm or circulation. They can also disoriege or lack coordination. Sometimes, it can notice sudden changes in mood or behavior.

If you suspect that your cat’s behavior is abnormal, it is better to contact your veterinarian immediately for a physical exam. Your veterinarian can diagnose the cause of behavior and provide adequate treatment.

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For the most part, he does not have to worry if his cat rubs his face against the corners and other objects. In fact, you can take it as a compliment if your cat begins to rub your cheeks against you. If you notice that your cat is beginning to rub your face against things much more frequently or notice other changes in your behavior, do not hesitate to consult your veterinarian to determine what these changes are causing.

Outstanding image credit: Maria Wan, Shuttersock

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