Cat Behavior

Is your stressed cat – 10 signs and how to help – Cat Behavior Alliance and Carolina Cat Sanctuary



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Defend his kitten today-believes our guide

By Rita Reimers, multi -cat behavior expert
Signs of a stressed cat that hides under a furniture
You love your cat. It provides gourmet meals, the best scratching publications and you even let them sleep his Bed (let’s be honest, possess it now). But despite all that, your cat can still be stressed in secret“And drawing your revenge.” 😼
Here are 10 subtle signals Your supreme lord can feel anxious and how to solve it, before They leave you a “surprise” out of the sand box!

1. Excessive Grooming: Blues bald

Kizzy was a stress hairdresser

Sign: Your cat is licking, chewing or taking fur as if they were preparing for a feline fashion parade … but with unfortunate bald points.

Why does it happen: Stress can trigger compulsive preparation as an coping mechanism. It is like when humans bite their nails, except that their cat ends with an unfortunate case of irregular fluff. This sign of stress in cats could also be a food allergy, fleas or other similar problem, so be sure to discard them first.

Meow Mist Plus helped Kizzy’s skin heel.

How to solve it:

  • First discard medical problems: on preparation it can also be a sign of allergies or skin irritation.
  • Identify the stressful: Did you move the sofa? three inches? Introduce a new pet? Do you start using a different laundry detergent? (Cats Note everything.
  • Try a soothing pheromone diffuser, a more interactive game time and provide hiding hides.

For the Council: Meow Mist more It will help with any skin condition that your kitten may have. It works in dogs and humans too!

2. Avoid the sand box: a smelly protest

Sign: Your cat, once a reliable bath user, now is urinating off the box or doubt before intervening. It is a safe sign of feline stress.

Why does it happen: Stress can make your cat feel uncomfortable using the sand box, especially if it is dirty, in a high traffic area or has the type of incorrect sand.

How to solve it:

  • Keep the box clean: goats hate a dirty bath as much as you.
  • Try different types of garbage and make sure the box is in a Quiet and accessible point.
  • Consider Multiple boxes For multi -cat homes.

For the Council: Clean any error with a safe enzymatic cleaner such as Anti -ilosy Poo. Both beautiful and I use this regularly, even in clothes!

3. Hide more than usual: the act of escape

Brownie feels safe on her bucket

Sign: Suddenly, your cat is more difficult to find than your motivation to wash clothes. It is definitely avoiding something stressful.

Why does it happen: When cats feel stressed, they often hide to feel safe. If your cat used to hang out with you on the couch but now it is exclusively under the bed, stress could be the reason.

Legs in a cozy place

How to solve it:

  • Create safe areas With cozy beds or cardboard boxes in quiet areas where your cat can withdraw.
  • Let them go on their own terms, not the interaction of the force.
  • Reduce domestic stressors such as strong noises or sudden changes in your routine.

4. Random aggression: the humor changes of fatality

Sign: Your sweet tree has become a Small tornado and fed by anger of claws.

Why does it happen: Stress can cause a normally cold cat to behave aggressively, often because they feel cornered or overestimulated.

How to solve it:

  • Give them space, forcing hugs when they are not humorous A terrible idea.
  • Wear Positive reinforcement to reward quiet behavior with sweets and affection.
  • If they are attacking against another pet, do Slow reintroductions instead of a “find out” approach.

For the Council: See our article, CAT knows CAT, for more information about CAT’s presentations and stress signs by cat

5. Piting or restlessness: zoomies with one side of anxiety

Sign: Your cat is walking the house As a stressed CEO before a great presentation.

Why does it happen: Stress or boredom can cause rhythm. Your cat may feel that they are at a high -risk meeting, but it is only their internal anxiety.

How to solve it:

  • Add more Vertical spaces As cats of cats or shelves, where they can perch and feel safe.
  • Increase the interactive game, especially with the puzzle toys that challenge your mind.
  • It remains in a routine: the caps thrive in predictability, and anxiety often comes from the lack of consistency.

For the Council: Make your own cat tree! Linda shows you how

6. Sudden changes of appetite: buffet or boycott?

Sign: Your cat is Eat either reject food in total. Reject food is one of the classic stress signs per cat

Why does it happen: Stress affects appetite, as in humans. If your cat is stressed, you could eat excessively as a mechanism of coping or reject food completely.

How to solve it:

  • Keep food time consistent“Cats Love Rutine.”
  • Make sure the food plate is in a Quiet and quiet area With minimal distractions.
  • Underlying health problems are off: if stress is the cause, the rejection of food often occurs during changes in their environment.


Sign: Your cat’s tail is Twitching as if receiving radio signals from spaceor your ears are flattened back.

Why does it happen: A blinking tail and stuck ears are clear signs that your cat is upset, overestimulated or feeling anxious.

How to solve it:

  • Respect its limits. If they show signs of irritation, stop caressing or interacting with them.
  • Learn to recognize your body language: crushed ears = “I have finished with this.”
  • If your cat is overestimulated, reverse and let them get off your anxiety.

8. Excessive Mawing or Tosing: The priest seeking attention

Boo-Boo seeks comfort when stressful

Sign: Your cat is winning without stopping, especially at night when you try to sleep.

Why does it happen: Cats vocalize when they are stressed, trying to communicate their needs. They can feel insecure, anxious or simply want attention.

How to solve it:

  • Make sure they have a lot of stimulation During the day, play with them before bedtime to be tired.
  • Keep your predictable and quiet routine, especially around bedtime.
  • If the icurito persists, verify medical problems such as dental pain or an urinary tract infection.

9. Tame things or destructive behavior

Sign: His cat suddenly becomes a small demolition ball, eliminating the things from the shelves or scratching everything in sight. Another of the classic signs of stress and/or boredom.

Why does it happen: Stress can lead to attention search behavior. Your cat may be trying to get your attention when destructive.

How to solve it:

  • Provide appropriate outputs for your energy, such as scratching posts or cat trees.
  • Increase recreation And make sure they have many toys to commit.
  • If the destructive behavior is happening while you are out, try to use a soothing diffuser or puzzle toys full of sweets.

10. Changes in sleep habits: stress frog

Abby hidden

Sign: Your cat is sleeping more than usual Or it seems restless during the naps.

Why does it happen: Stress can cause sleep alterations. If your cat is awake all night or seems excessively sleepy, it may be due to anxiety or fear.

How to solve it:

  • Provide a Quiet and comfortable rest area Far from home interruptions.
  • Keep the peaceful environment, especially at night, avoid strong noises or sudden movements.
  • Keep a regular schedule, since predictability helps reduce stress.

Final thoughts: Is your cat plotting revenge?

Simba says that revenge is sweet, ha ha ha ha

If you recognize any Of these signs of stress in your cat, it does not scare. Some small adjustments can make a big difference. Cats love a Without stress, predictable Environment, so give them the real treatment they expect.

Do you need help with those signs of stress per cat?

Do you want expert help to find out what is stressing your cat? Reserve a session with the Cat Behavior alliance today!

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