Cat Behavior
Taking into account the homemade diets of cats? This is what you need to know
There has been more and more to start cooking for our pets and make the specific diets for its species or race. There are ingredients in free and prescription diets that are considered harmful or “are not good” for our pets. Everyone has their own opinions about what they want to feed their pets and what they feel is better, but there are some things to consider if you consider a homemade cat diet.
- Cats are obliged carnivores, which means that they need a lot of proteins in their diet to be healthy. Cats not only obtain their animal tissue protein, but also obtain other nutrients, such as fatty acids, amino acids, minerals and vitamins. These nutrients can only be found in animals sources, so cats cannot feed with a vegetarian diet. Without meat, a cat will not prosper, and will be malnourished.
- Bullfighting is an essential nutrient that cats need to survive and is only found in animal tissue. Cats cannot produce bullfighting naturally, so they need to eat it through their food. Bullfighting helps with ocular health, digestion, cardiac function and helps maintain the healthy immune system. Most homemade diets will not contain the right amount of bullfighting, which will lead to severe medical conditions or death.
- Many recipes for homemade cat food do not contain the proper balance of nutrients or the correct number of calories. This can lead to different types of deficiencies, medical conditions, poor nutrition, weight concerns and lack of calories to be used for body functions and energy. If you really want to make your own cat food, consult a veterinary nutritionist and receive the right guide to keep your cat healthy.
We all want the best for our cats and sometimes it is difficult to make the right decision. When we see “all natural”, we automatically believe that it is the best and there will be no adverse effect. I hope this has enlightened you to think twice, investigate a little and always ask your veterinarian before trying something new for your cat.