Cat Facts
Top 5 tips for your cat to play – Modern cat
Playing with your cat has many benefits. Try these expert tips for your cat to play!
Last update: January 7, 2025
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PGo to bed with your cat has many benefits, from avoiding boredom to encourage movement. It provides an output for its innate predators, prevents behavioral problems and provides exercise and mental commitment. But many cat guardians report that their cat is simply not playing. Dr. Mikel Delgado, Cat Behavior Expert and Author of the New Book Play with your cat!Explain exactly how to tempt cats apparently react in the game time. (Suggestion: be the prey).
- Act as prey. Have the toy flutter and jump like a bird, slider like a snake, buzz like a bee, scare yourself in a hole like a mouse!
- Move the slowest toy. Slower. Maybe even a little more slow.
- Your movements vary. Cats get bored with the same, so be sure to change it, try to move the toy on the floor and air, or along a wall. Alternate between rapid and slow movements. Move the toy in one direction and then in another, and pay attention to what your cat responds best!
- When everything else fails, Use the end of the toy stick, moving it under a towel or carpet.
- Make sure the cat is successful In your search and you have time to handle and interact with your prey (however, they prefer to do it!).
Photo Inguskruklitis/bigstock
For the Council: Playing with your cat can prevent behavioral problems.
Will the cat play?
I heard of many people that his cat is not interested in the game time, but many cat owners think that the game time means leaving a lot of small game toys “solo” (like ping pong balls, small diffuse mice) on the floor. Although this type of toys can capture your cat’s attention briefly, it is important to recognize that when we talk about playing with our cats, we refer to recreating the hunting experience for them! Those balls and mice quickly become dead dams.
This is where the interactive game makes a difference! When moving a toy, specifically an interactive wand toy with a lure at the end, we can imitate the living dams and give our cats the next best option to hunt! When I have worked with clients who said that their cats did not play and had the opportunity to demonstrate some new toys and different ways of moving them, without fail, it could make those cats play!
This article originally appeared on the award -winning Modern cat magazine. Subscribe today!
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