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There are no “third” dogs, twelve steps to become best friends for life – blog
<Una versión de este artículo fue publicada en los números de junio y julio de 2022 de Downast dog news>
< Updated 31 aug22 >
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If you have read my article, Aid! My dog is stubborn! You know that I think dogs are never stubborn, but simply misunderstood. In this article, I will present twelve steps to help you and your dog to become best friends for life, far from hindering.
Step #1 – Grant to being your dog’s best friend, not your teacher. Be committed to the idea that you and your dog are a team that work together. Make your goal thrive in a company life and the adventures you share,
Step #2 – Take the time to learn about dogs. His dog is sensitive to be very different from a human and much more complicated than his smartphone. To make the most of your life with your dog, you must take the time to learn about them. You must understand your senses, how they communicate, how they interpret the communication of people, the best ways of teaching them, how they express emotions, which constitutes normal and abnormal behavior, and what they need to have a long and happy life. A dog training class taught under the direction of a professional dog coach or canine behavior consultant must address all these subjects. Meanwhile, an excellent place to start is with these two books; Dog Sense: How the new dog behavior science can become a best friend for your pet By John Bradshaw and On terms of conversation with dogs: soothing signs In Turid Rugas.
Step #3: Build and nurture a relationship based on mutual trust. You cannot be a best friend or have a relationship with your dog unless you trust one
Step #4 – Is always kind and patient. Smile your dog instead of making “frown.” Speak gently and gently, not strong and with an authoritarian tone. Hand your dog gently and don’t catch them. Never use strength or fear to intimidate your dog; Be always patient and help them learn.
Step #5 – Show empathy and understand your dog’s emotions. Dogs have a rich emotional life and experience positive emotions such as joy and satisfaction and negative emotions such as fear, pain and anger. Help your dog through those negative moments, as you can try to help you when you feel bad. Understand that an emotional response cannot be “trained” from a dog. If you need help to address your dog’s negative emotions, seek help from your veterinarian or a proven professional dog consultant earlier than later.
Step #6 – Let your dog make decisions. Trust your dog’s instincts and understand that they will feel better when they have options like you. Be your defender when they are in the world. Do not allow others to force your dog to interact.
Step #7 – Understand the world from your dog’s point of view. While we share the five senses of hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch of our dog, they prioritize them differently. For example, we could enjoy a quick walk in the same
Step #8 – Gently teach your dog how to live harmoniously in your world. When we bring a dog to our world, we are responsible for teaching them how
The rewarded behaviors will be repeated, and the more they are repeated, the stronger they will become. So do not hesitate to reward your dog for being calm next to him, even if he did not ask for that behavior. For every millisecond, think about correcting your dog, spend 100 hours rewarding it. That is the key to success!
Manage your dog and your surroundings to prevent undesirable behavior. Understanding that teaching a dog is a process and will take time. Remember, your parents spent more than 18 years teaching him. It is not realistic to expect your dog to learn everything you need to know in a couple of months.
Training a dog also requires knowledge and skills. A professional dog coach or canine behavior consultant can provide that knowledge and teach and train it about those skills.
Step #9 – Accept your dog for what they are. Dogs are sensible beings, whose personalities are as variable as those found in people. Not all dogs are outgoing and automatically like any other person or dog on the planet. Nor do people, and that’s fine. Not all recovered races like water and recovery, or all grazing races like to gather cattle. No matter what race or mix of races you have in your dog, you will not always get what
Step #10 – eInsure that all those who interact with your dog follow rules #1 through #9. Unless you are a hermit without a family, many other people will interact with your dog throughout their lives. That can include friends, family of all ages, coworkers, neighbors and a wide variety of pet care professionals, such as veterinarians, nurseries and shipping facilities, hairdressers, pet caregivers, dog walkers, dog trainers and behavioral consultants. You should help all these people understand and accept the rules from 1 to 9. If other people are not friendly to your dog, your dog’s behavior with other people can negatively affect. Remember, your dog cannot always defend itself; That depends on you.
Step #11 – Do something fun with your dog every day. Often, the strongest relationships involve two parts that do something together that both enjoy.
Step #12 – Enjoy your trip together. The saddest part of sharing your life with a dog is that this trip ends too soon. Then, instead of striving for perfection, concentrate on the joy you feel when they are together. Commit to make every moment count so that when the trip ends, both can say: “Thank you for this wonderful moment together! I will miss you until we meet on the other side! “
I hope I have convinced you that your dog is not stubborn and try my program. From the personal experience and comments of my clients, I know that you will help you your dog to become best friends for life.
Don Hanson lives in Bangor, Maine, where he is the co -owner of Green Acres Kennel Shop ( ) and the founder of Forfreepets.coma
© 31aug22, Donald J. Hanson, all rights reserved
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