Cat Breeds
The health benefits of your cat’s castration or stage
The castration or sterilization of your cat is not just overwhelming and reduces unwanted litters. Did you know that it can also have an important impact on health and behavior? Here is a list of just some of the benefits:
- Largely reduces the possibility of marking in spray both in men and females. Do not be mistaken about it: intact cats will be sprayed.
- The reduced risk of cats that escape outdoors, driven by their impulse to mate.
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- Outdoor allowed cats will be less likely to wander and fight.
- Roaming can cause cats to be lost, blow cars or attack larger predators.
- There is a reduced possibility of serious or abscess injuries to fight between men who compete for territory when they are looking for women.
- The risk of testicular cancer in men is eliminated and reduces the possibilities of enlarged prostate.
- Women will not have to withstand the painful mating process often violent.
Photo: Monique Laats for Pexels
- Sterilization before the first heat cycle of the female protects it from the development of ovarian and uterine cancer, as well as piometra (uterine infection). It also greatly reduces the possibilities of developing breast cancer.
- In females, the relentless stress is eliminated that repeated heat cycles are eliminated in the body.
- The reduced risk of contracting infectious diseases (such as IVF and FELV) transmitted when cats bite during fights or when they look away.
- The reduced possibilities of aggressive behavior towards family members and other pets at home.
- Repeated behavior of tosques/calls from females in heat is eliminated. This will also reduce the probability that intact men hang out of their home.
- Your cat’s behavior will not be driven by hormones.
Do you need more information?
If you have questions or concerns about surgery or anesthesia risks, talk to your cat’s veterinarian. Do not wait until the unwanted behavior of having an intact cat begins to show. It is recommended that cats be castrated or sterilized at the age of five. Your veterinarian will offer personalized orientation based on your cat’s health and circumstances.
Buy PAM’s books here
For more information about Cat’s behavior and training, see PAM Johnson-Bennett’s books. We have included Amazon links for convenience.
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