Cat Breeds

Our sweet Dakota left us four years ago today



My first Sheltie, Dakota, my sweet boy died on July 9, 2020 (9 days after Cody), after being diagnosed with Hemagiosarcoma (A tumor in your heart) A mere month before. I was 13 years old (as was Cody).

It is a horrible disease that has led many loved dogs of friends and family. We were blessed to have Dakota with us for a month after they diagnosed him, many who know they were not so lucky.

To think that I thought Dakota was crazy when I was young! Little knew what I would be reserved for me with Levi.

Dakota was sweet, Stoic in the veterinarian, he hated other dogs, he was dedicated to his “package” at home, but he was not a big fan of the humans he did not know. I would never have enjoyed going to the nursery or shipping as Levi does.

He was a great brother of Cody. They really loved each other.

I hated walking, I was not delighted with the car (Would sit on the floor). He didn’t like sleeping in his bed, he preferred to sleep on the floor. If he stirred the eggs, he would bark. If I used spray butter, it would bark. It was the most peculiar dog!

They loved their precious vegetables, corn doves, red peppers (They are not hot!), apples, carrots and the meat cake for dogs/meatballs/hamburgers that he would do for him.

He also worshiped his dad!

Dakota was extremely linked to Lenny when he was young, as time passed, he and I became extremely close. I had a sixth feeling of knowing when I needed extra love.

It was the first dog that I had as an adult and it was the fulfillment of a childhood dream of having a Sheltie. It was special in many ways.

He loved to run and play when he was young.

He worshiped his red, white and blue dollar store that we have hidden safely in a trunk. That dog had so many toys and that disgusting ball of luxurious and worn out was his absolute favorite.

The 13 years he was with us spent the blink of an eye. I am grateful for the many collages that I have on the wall of the living room of Cody and Dakota, in this way I can still see them both every day.

Dakota, you were such a good and special boy. Daddy and I think of you, we love you and miss you every day.

Approximately a minute after Dakota left us, I noticed a yellow butterfly that flew directly to the doors of our patio, I am sure that this was our sweet Dakota letting us know that it would always be there.

I had always loved the name “Dakota” and when I was selecting a name for him, he had sought the meaning. In the American Indian the name “Dakota” meant “Trust friend.” He was completely up to his name and more.

Thank you, Dakota, for sharing your life and love with Dad, Cody and me. You were the first perfect Sheltie.

A lot of love always,


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