Cat Facts
Good news!
He went to the wonderful emergency hospital of pet reference in Berkeley. The images revealed the scope of their wounds. The night passed and surgery was recommended. Now comes the nail bite!
I had reached the end of my financial resources, and she had none to start. Would you survive until we could beg or borrow the six thousand more or less that we needed for surgery? I had spent about four thousand so far, for the tests and to stabilize it, and … I explored options and groups that could help, but obtaining funds would take time we did not have. So I crossed my fingers and requested the attention credit … I was approved up to $ 8000. Surgery was an opportunity! We met with a lovely surgeon, who … eek … I was going to be out of the city for a week. By then, Mow Mow was … still alive, for our great happiness, and remained stable. Eat and produce production. I had been kept in my friend’s trailer … say, without electricity … and I was eager to leave. However … their intestines were blocked? I guess no. Did their organs move to their thoracic cavity? Did your heart threatened? It was the longest week. I have not yet recovered.
So! Last Tuesday, October 17, he went to surgery. We had done it !!
And navigated through him! My friend had been terrified … I didn’t know pets as well as me … and it was the first surgery in one of her animals. It was considered good to go just when he hit the heat wave of two days, and his trailer would have been more than one hundred degrees. Pets gently, against their policy, agreed to keep it until it cool! Mow Mow is at home now, and it’s very good!
While this was happening, our beloved sunflower (sunny) was attacked by a coyote. My husband Ken tried to see the attack from the table of our kitchen and could put it safe. We had thought that the back backyard …
I was alive, but in a deep shock. He had several sharp wounds in his throat, and one on the back of his head. There was not much blood, and the wounds did not bleed much.
We clean your wounds and call our veterinarian. I didn’t want to move it. The veterinarian reminded me that my fingers of my feet pinch, to try the reflexes. Everything was fine, each foot reacted. Not paralyzed.
We worked with two veterinarians and two communicators … It was thought that he had no neurological problems, so we canceled the appointment. With the neurologist, but it can take her to him later …
Sunny was quite still during the first two days, but slowly began to recover mobility. She got more alert and committed to us more. She began to purr …
He could swallow, and fed her with syringe.
It was impossible to know what to expect, but as the days passed, it improved, slowly but surely. He could lick a broth when he held his head in position, then to lick some food. A few days ago, he started eating more and maintaining the position of his body better … At first he ate lying sideways, but … today he kept his head directly on the food. She is eating complete meals now (!!) and it is better to keep her body vertically
Yesterday, a talented woman, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, founder of the Body-Mind Centering Institute,, came to see her! He worked with Sunny’s spinal fluid: to improve his flow and help him eliminate the rubble of his system. Today Mrs. Sunny is stronger and it is better to place! Bonnie’s daughter is on my board, and is also equipped and skilled. We are greatly grateful!
I am thinking that Sunny can recover completely. She has gone far. Your wounds are almost cured, and every day it shows improvements! What a blessing!
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