How to surely celebrate a pet’s birthday Happy Birthday! We all love a celebration, and the birthday of a pet (or the day of adoption) is...
< Updated 22sep22 > Knowing what “human foods” you can surely feed your dog can be confusing. Unfortunately, Internet and even pet care professionals, who should...
COVID-19-REVISITED Five months after the outbreak began, Covid is still in the news. None of us could have imagined the magnitude of the impact that this...
<Una versión de este artículo fue publicada en los números de junio y julio de 2022 de Downast dog news> < Updated 31 aug22 > <... & Halo announces a new dog resource,, and launches the photo contest “Walk and Wag” with the famous Judge Olivia Munn to greet the...
You may have noticed my absence this week. Yes, I’m burning a bit to produce this 15 -year -old blog. During most of those years I...
The beginning of a new year is usually a time when we reflect on things that we would like to change or objectives we would like...
< Updated 14jul22 > In its blog post on July 11th2022, Eileen Anderson de Eileenanddogs Describe how an unexpected wasp drastically changed its behavior. I have...