Cat Behavior
Greater Cat Winter Care: Non -Cold Old | Cat wisdom 101 Layla Morgan Wilde

Greater cat care: old non -cold
After many years of caring for the older cats and listening to thousands of cats of cats in Cat Wisdom 101, I have learned that winter presents unique challenges for our old feline friends.
Cats become officially older at age 8.
Today, let’s explore how to keep your cat older not only surviving but thriving during the cold months.
Curious fact: The ancestors of the cats originated in the desert, it is not surprising that Mittens give you the stinky eye when you open the door to a country of winter wonders!
Think of your older cat as the wise old man who are: they know what they want, but their bodies may not cooperate as they used to do it. Just as we feel winter in our most acutely bones as we age, so do our cats.
Winter survival guide of the arthritic cat
Those crispy joints become more bad when the temperature falls. Be attentive to the subtle signals that your cat feels uncomfortable: they can be slower climbing stairs, doubt before jumping or finding new points to sleep closer to heat sources.
Did you know? Cats have an average body temperature of 102 ° F, which explains why grandfather CAT has claimed its laptop as its personal heating pad!
While you can’t stop winter, you can make it more comfortable:
– Create high sleep stains on sunny windows (with easy access steps)
– Place orthopedic beds near heat ventilations (but not too close)
-Mantenga your favorite places without draft
– Consider a bed or a pad designed for major cats
A word of caution: always verify the heated products and never use human heating pads. Our older adults deserve warmth, but security is first.
The inner bath dilemma
Many larger cats become more particular about their sandbox habits in winter. The cold floors of the basement or the cold garage locations that were fine in summer can become deterrent.
Bigotes wisdom: Cat mustaches can detect temperature changes of less than one degree, which makes them original smart thermostats!
Some practical solutions that I have seen work over and over again:
Move the garbage boxes to warmer places during the winter months. Yes, you may not have a sand box in your vital space, but your older cat will thank you. Consider it short -term accommodation for comfort.
Add additional sandboxes on each floor: those arthritic joints may not want to board the stairs so often. Remember, we want to prevent accidents before they occur.
Hydration: The winter challenge
Major cats are prone to dehydration, and dry winter air does not help. This is what works:
– Place water bowls in multiple locations (away from food)
– Use shallow bowls – Aged cats often prefer them
– Try a normal glass (Otto loves them)
– Consider a source with a soft flow
– Add moisture to your food
– Nearly monitor water intake
Curious fact: The tongue of a cat is so efficient to drink that it can go around the water at a speed of four laps per second. However, major cats often prefer to take it easy: they are more turtle to make these days.
The toilet continues
Winter brings dry skin and the challenges of tangled skin. Many major cats become less annoying about cleaning, especially if they have arthritis. Help them with:
– Regular soft brushing (make it a union routine)
– Pet wipe without perfume for areas that could be lost
– Be attentive to dandruff – You can indicate skin or dry health problems
– Keep the humidified air
Smart solutions for winter access
Otto and Odin love their new cat door, but Odin has a touch of arthritis and needs an additional step to help him jump.
After years of observing major cats, I have noticed that many fight with the traditional doors of cats in winter. The fins become more difficult to push, and arthritic cats often doubt on the threshold.
Did you know? The modern cat gate was not invented by Isaac Newton, as Urban Legend states. However, we like to think that he was inspired by a major cat who was tired of waiting at the door.
This is what works:
– Install magnetic cat doors that open more easily
– Consider the microchip doors that do the job for them
– Add night lights near the door for better visibility
– Create a gradual ramp or platform on both sides
-Panar the weather around the door frame for the prevention of Draft.
Otto and Odin’s cat door is only open during the day and is strictly monitored. They still like to leave even in the coldest days, but only for a few minutes.
They wear their GPS necklaces during the day. Although Otto has a luxurious cost, there is less than Odin who ventured by the cliff to visit his girlfriend today.
Hitting the winter blade
Even cats like Odin and Otto who have extraordinary freedom and outdoor enrichment are more easily bored.
Winter confinement can be especially hard for cats greater than once spent hours seeing outdoor activities or enjoying the garden.
Window of the window:
– Configure window hangers with bird observation
– Install window boxes to attract winter birds
-Use feeders for suction cup birds for foreground entertainment
– Keep the curtains open during the premiums of wildlife
Curious fact: cats do not really get bored of watching birds: studies show that their brain activity remains compromised even after bird television hours. Talk about the observation of bingers!
Sensory enrichment:
– Catting cat in the interior (many older people love this)
– Use catnip or silver came moderately for soft stimulation
-Reproducting sounds or specific cat videos
– Create texture stations with different surfaces for exploration
Food fun:
– Hide small portions of sweet toys in puzzle toys
– Use outbreaks with dry food (ideal for arthritic cats)
– Serve meals in different places
– Try to heat wet food slightly to improve the aroma. 10 seconds in the microwave.
The welfare clock
Winter requires additional surveillance with larger cats. Be attentive to:
– Changes in appetite
– Difficulty moving after sleep
– Increased vocalization
– Changes in sleep patterns
– Mardlyness or unusual isolation
Trust your instincts: You know your cat better. Do not hesitate to contact your veterinarian if something seems off.
Final Bigotes of Wisdom
Remember, aging is not a disease, but it requires adjustments. Each senior cat is unique, bringing its own personality and needs to its golden years. Observe, adjust and, most importantly, appreciate these beautiful winter days with your aging partner.
Truth of cat’s wisdom: the secret to keeping the older cats happy in winter is not just about heat, it is about creating a world in which they feel as capable and safe as they did in their younger years.
You can also enjoy our 10 ways to overcome feline winter blues
Holitos of happiness to survive winter with cats
Do you have a advice to share? Please leave it in a comment.
Cat Behavior
The importance of aroma: how your cat shapes

When it comes to aroma, we often think of how important it is for dogs, but most people do not consider their importance for cats. Like dogs, the sense of a cat smell is very important in his daily life, which influences everything, from his sense of security to his curiosity.
The meaning of a cat smell
Do you ever wonder what makes the meaning of a cat smell so powerful? Cats not only have about 200 million olfactory cells in the nose, but also have special adaptations that make their sense of smell exceptional.
- The organ of Jacobson: This organ is made up of 2 bags that sit at the top of the back of the mouth. It is connected to both the nose and the mouth. When a cat breathes an aroma, open its mouth slightly to pull the aroma and move its tongue to the roof of its mouth. This sends the aroma to the organ of Jacobson where the aroma and information are sent to your brain.
- Flehman reaction: We have all seen cats lift an aroma and sit there partially open while processing the aroma. What we are observing is known as Flehman’s reaction. During the reaction, what we could not notice is that the cat breathes quickly, which accelerates the aroma process that is sent to the Jacobson organ. This allows the cat to quickly identify the aroma and respond according to their instincts.
The pheromones speak
In the world of a cat, they use pheromones to communicate everything, from marking their territory to forming mother and kitten ties and even marking their humans. Maybe he wonders, what is exactly a pheromone? A pheromone is a chemist that is released by a cat through the glands located throughout his body and helps communicate with other cats and the environment in which they live.
- Cats have glands on the forehead, chin, lips and lower part of their front legs that produce pheromones. When a cat touched your head, rub your cheek, press your lips against your finger or knead you, you are leaving your aroma behind. This is his way of marking you as part of his group.
- You can notice a cat rubbing the head and body along the objects of your home or patio. This is how they marks those areas as their territory, and the pheromones that leave behind communicate this to other cats. Similarly, when a cat scratches objects such as furniture or a scraper, it is not only preparing its claws, but also marks the area with its aroma.
How can the enriching smell?
Not only can the smell of communication be used, but it can also provide mental enrichment for a cat, especially those who live inside. It is always important to provide daily enrichment for your cats, but you may not have considered the enrichment of smell. Here are some ideas to incorporate the aroma into your cat’s enrichment routine:
- Catnip: Most people have offered their cat grass, but they never realized that it is enrichment. Instead of placing the cat grass in front of your cat, you can hide the cat grass in areas of the whole house so that your cat will find it, which can be exciting and stimulating for your cat.
- Smell enrichment kit: You can buy an aroma enrichment kit that is full of safe botanists for your cat to enjoy. By placing a small amount of a few types in bowls, you can offer your cat a smell enrichment buffet.
- Bring outdoors inside: Collect plants, sticks, grass, flowers and safe cats for cats and put it in a shallow cardboard box for your cat to explore. Each element not only has its own aroma, but the aroma of the outdoors adds an additional impulse of stimulation.
Understanding how the meaning of a cat’s smell works can help us take care of them better and provide an environment that stimulates their natural instincts. Incorporating aroma enrichment in your cat’s routine can offer new levels of mental stimulation and joy. By taking advantage of the power of the aroma, you can improve your cat’s quality of life and strengthen the link you share with them.
Cat Behavior
Discovered: the surprising reason for the reason of the cats scratches the furniture, and how to stop them, modern cat

A new study reveals the true reason why cats scratch furniture, and what to do about it
Last update: January 22, 2025
Read a subtitle
Like anyone with to grated couch can attest, cats lined furniture is to common complaint. Is also a innate behavior-cats need a exit to satisfy his desire To scratch. What should a frustrated cat lover do?
A new study published in the magazine Veterinary borders Science It reveals secret motivations behind scratch and suggests friendly forms to handle behavior.
The study reveals secret motivations behind scratching
“Our findings can help caregivers administer and redirect scratch to appropriate materials, which could It helps to promote A more harmonious Life environment For both cats and Your caregivers, “he says Dr. Jasmine Sall it Demíbbas, a veterinarian researcher in Universidad de Ankara and author of The study.
The researchers surveyed more than 1,200 cat owners in France about the daily habits of their cats, personality traits and scratch behaviors. What they discovered were significant links Between scratch behavior and factors such as the presence of children at home, cat temperament and activity levels.
“We see a clear link between certain environmental and behavioral factors and greater scratch behavior in cats “.
Environmental and behavioral factors to search if your cat scratches furniture
“We see a clear link between certain environmental and behavioral factors and greater scratch behavior In cats, ”explains Dr. Salgirli Demirbas. “Specifically, the presence of children at home, as well as high levels of play and night activity contributes significantly to an increase in scratches. The cats described as aggressive or disruptive also exhibited higher levels of scratch. ” Stress, such as that caused by young children in he home, was found to be to major cause of unwanted Scratched He study also found that cats that exhibited high level of play and night activity lined further.

Photo Natalia Duryagina/Bigstock
Adapting game sessions and strategically placing scratch posts can help reduce and redirect your Cat is scratching.
What to do: How to make your cat stop scratching furniture
Good news is There are strategies that It can help stop behavior.
Aim to provide multiple scratch publications in Your cat favorite areas (generally indicated by Where they They are already scratch). Reduce Your cat stress by provided that vertical space and hiding place they It can withdraw to. Feromone aerosols and diffuser have It has been shown to promote calm. AND play sessions aid Your cat spend Energy, alone Be sure to leave Your cat Catch your “dam” To avoid creating frustration. Multiple shorts play sessions throughout The day that mock successful Hunting scenarios They are the best, according to SALUGE AMIRBAS SALUGE.
Although the link Among children and the increase in scratches is It is not totally understood, realizing this as a possible cause of stress and providing your cat for ways to escape unwanted care can help save your furniture!
This article originally appeared on the award -winning Modern cat magazine. Subscribe today!
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Cat Behavior
All about feline infectious peritonitis (FIP)

Have you ever heard of a drug ring in the black market … for cats? Feline infectious peritonitis, or FIP, has long been a devastating diagnosis, leading cat owners throughout the world to resort to undercover methods in the desperate search for a cure. Unique us in this revealing episode of Cat Talk Radio while Dr. Lisa Fiorenza unpacks the surprising underground network that helped give hope to thousands of cats affected by FIP. We will immerse ourselves in how this furtive disease is triggered, what symptoms to observe and how FIP is treated today with legitimate advances and saviors. Do not miss this revealing conversation about a disease that is finally losing its control in the feline world!
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