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Cat Breeds

Rainbow 2024 bridge memory



About the Rainbow bridge memory:

Deb Barnes founded Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day (RBRD) in 2015 as a special day for pet guardians to honor the memory of those beloved pets in their life that they have loved and lost, but never forgotten, whether skins, fins, feathers, scales or something else. It is celebrated every year on August 28, in honor of the day, he had to say goodbye to his precious rag cat, Mr. Jazz, the author of the Measure of Impressions of the heart: the history of life, death and beyond the cat.

The first to make his way on the bridge was my beautiful Bobo Angel. He had found Bobo at the end of 1989 during a snowstorm in Ohio. He was approximately 6 months at that time. I was lucky to have it in my life for 18 years. Bobo was really my cat. I hated other cats, he was not a dog fan (Except for a Sheltie who lived near us in Ohio, which Sheltie was called Kelly and used to eat grass together when Bobo would go over her belt.).

Bobo was the first kitten that had shared my life. We had a link that I thought would never be as intense as it was, until:

My Cody

My Cody, my Codester, my beautiful love mistake, my hug mistake, my shadow, my heart, my soul. My “Velcro Kitty”. When Cody was adopted in July 2007 (Two weeks after my fool passed), Never, I never thought I would have a link like that again. My Cody, the day I adopted it, crawled by my chest to Petco and did not release it. From that day to his tragic and unexpected death in 2020, I didn’t let go. My Lover Hug Insect, Lover of the Gatera grass, Sheltie lover, I just wanted to be loved from the moment we looked at each other.

Cody was the reason why this blog began. He was my “co -pilot”, my partner. Our blog began in October 2009 and to honor its memory, while the name of the blog has changed, the link will never do it.

Cody gave me more happiness, love and yes, heartbreak of what I could imagine. My beautiful boy, I miss you beyond words.

He used to love when Cody played with certain Kittenhood On toys, he would make a deadly jump while playing. It was the cutest of all. Cody was a “people’s cat.” Anyone who entered our house, in his mind, was his friend.

I spent every night in the sofa’s armrest next to my side while watching television. To this day, that armrest remains empty.

When I was not sitting with, or following me, or playing with his brother, Cody loved nothing but spending time in his precious cat tree.

I will always be grateful for Cody’s cat tree, as well as the personalized urn, where Cody is at rest. Eternity goes through its favorite place in the world, its Cat tree

My Dakota, my first Sheltie

You believe it or not, when Dakota joined our family in October 2007, while he loved him, he had really formed the deep bond we had.

Papi was the one who used to take Dakota to the veterinarian and the preparation, so he joined him before me. While he was crazy about Dakota, our deep link probably began when he was about two years old. From that moment on, Dakota and I were deeply united. So much so that he had a strange feeling of understanding my emotions, coming to me to give me kisses when I cry. He was my kitchen friend; He looked at me like a Babygate hawk every time I cooked, and said everything he was doing.

Dakota was stoic, fun, thick, peculiar, handsome, loving, loyal and everything I could have expected from my first Sheltie. Dakota was the fulfillment of a dream for life of being a mother of a Sheltie. I couldn’t have asked for a better dog.

He worshiped his dad and his mother, popcorn, apples, chicken, hamburgers and his beloved red, white and blue ball.

He didn’t like other dogs, he wasn’t a fan of so many people, but he was fiercely loyal to his dad, mom and his brother, Cody. Dakota loved everything he had, even in his last moments. I am grateful for every moment I had with this special boy and I miss him terribly.

Dakota and Cody worshiped. Many of those who wrote me comfort notes when they died, with only 9 days apart, felt that they were planning to leave together. It doesn’t surprise me. When Cody passed first, Dakota was lost. I was still looking for Cody everywhere, it was the most heartbreaking to witness. Dakota had already been diagnosed with cancer (Hemangiosarcoma), And when Cody left us, it was as if Dakota lost his will to live. He wanted to be with his dad and his mother, but terribly missed his brother.

The photo below was the last photo of the boys taken together; It was taken very close when they passed. I am grateful to have it. Cody and Dakota brought their dad and mom more joy and silly and loving moments we could have imagined.

This is the sweatshirt on the cabin floor

Where Cody finally passed.

He chose to lie next.

This sweatshirt had been missing for years.

Until Cody died in him.

“Coincidence? I think no.”

To each and every one of you who have lost the dear babies,

Please – Remember:

“We all shine, like the moon and the stars and the sun” -John Lennon

Thank you, my beautiful pets, for your unconditional love, for the happy times and memories that will live with me forever. Thank you, my beloved Cody, for this blog and everything I experienced because you were the first to make it possible. Love forever to all of you, always, your mother.

I did not intend that this publication was so long, and I thank you for taking the time to read it. I would also like to thank Deb Barnes for creating this wonderful event. I send my love to each and every one of you and I hope to read your stories and see your photos of those “who came before.” That we all derive some comfort from these publications.

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Cat Breeds

Opbeat Cat News – Max The Cat Graduates with Doctorate



I love this story of Max, the cat, obtaining a doctorate at Vermont State U in Castleton after 4 years hanging on the campus.

According to the story, he was a friend of all the students, he helped keep the levels of anxiety, comforted and perhaps even advised them during difficult times and made the campus a more pleasant place to be.

(Copy and paste the link). I think you will enjoy the story.

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Cat Breeds

Does the snoring always mean that a cat is happy?



Cat lovers are well familiar with the relaxing buzz of a cat’s snoring and generally associate it with satisfaction and relaxation, but the complexities behind this subtle sound extend far beyond mere happiness. Cats are irrigated by a variety of reasons, offering us some ideas about their psychology and physiology.

Slipping serves many functions

With what most people are related is the scenario of a relaxed and happy cat in a lap while stroking gently. Many people assume that if the cat is snoring, everything is fine. Not always. Ronaronar is more complex than that. Cats can snort when they are scared or threatened, possibly as a means to calm or appease a perceived threat. Like a nervous person, he smiles in an insecure situation, a cat’s snoring during moments of anguish serves as a soothing mechanism, helping them to deal with anxiety or perceived danger and, hopefully, to calm an opponent potential.

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Pain relief

This selfolegation behavior and the therapeutic capacity of snoring extend to the times of pain, illness or injury, where it serves as help in pain relief. It is known that females, for example, purify during childbirth.

Photo credit: Cristyan Bohn for Pexels

The role of snoring in early life

The importance of snoring extends to the first moments of cat’s life, since kittens begin to purr shortly after birth. This helps the mother track their babies. Deaf and blind born, newborns also trust their mother’s snoring vibrations to help it, starting the union in those first days.

The curative slice

The benefits of the ronrona do not end there. The investigation suggests that the frequency of a cat can contain healing properties, potentially accelerating bone repair and injury recovery.

The cat’s slice is much more than a simple expression of satisfaction. It is a multifaceted tool and a therapeutic aspect of feline life, for service purposes that range from emotional to physical.

Photo credit: Pam Johnson-Bennett

Each cat is unique

With many cats, the slice is audible. It may look like the soft buzz of the best engine, or it may sound like one that has long been tuning. Other cats can have such a quiet slice that he only knows his presence for the soft vibration.

From moments of satisfaction to times of anguish, from the first minutes of life to the last hours, the slice serves as a cat’s constant partner.

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Do you need more information?

For more information about the behavior of Cat, see the books of PAM Johnson-Bennett. PAM’s books are available in bookstores and online. For your convenience, we have included links to Amazon.

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Cat Breeds

Why are cats afraid of cucumbers?



Cat’s videos have always been extraordinarily popular on YouTube, but more recently pet owners have captured a newer phenomenon: cats going crazy in cucumbers.
In these videos, cat owners sneak over their pets while they eat, placing a cucumber behind them.
Once the cats finish eating and turning around, they face the cucumber and react jumping and surround them to flee

But why exactly this behavior happens?

Cats are always on alert

As natural predators until the end, even the most lazy cats are aware of their surroundings and the search for dams

Confusing cucumbers with snakes?

As natural predators until the end, even the most lazy cats are aware of their surroundings and the search for dams

Their survival instinct is afraid of everything, intermittent lights to noisy cat toys. Unknown objects that appear at random near them can start them.

Confusing cucumbers with snakes?

While it may not be the cucumber itself that scares the cat, it is the general change in the environment that can evoke an scared reaction.

If something has been silently in the environment in its presence, the cat could easily confuse the cucumber with a predator who prepares to attack.

Pepinos are long and green, which can make cats think that a snake has dragged behind them.

Is it cruel to scare a cat with a cucumber?

He can be tempting to try to scare his feline friend with a cucumber based on the perceptibly fun reactions that he probably obtains, but in reality this could be relatively cruel to his cat.

To deceive his cat to think that a dangerous animal has sneaked behind him or she can cause traumatic stress, and do it repeatedly could even lead to more aggressive or other worrying behavior, or even result in the PTSD in some cases.

You will not want to hire a pet travel service to take your friend to a retirement

Cats can also be injured when they try to maneuver around cucumber, jumping to nearby counters or other objects that result in injuries, or can break close valuable items.
However, if you have completely lost your head and want your cat to become familiar with an inanimate cucumber as a partner for life, it is better if you present the cucumber directly instead of being placed behind them, since they probably never get along if the latter continues to happen.

Try to resist the impulse to leave a “cucumber surprise” for your cat

Even if you simply want to present a cucumber as a surprise gift for a cat, which would be strange considering that there is nothing interest in them for a feline, it would do well to avoid awakening their stress and instead arouse their curiosity.

And although cucumber will finally never hurt the cat, the cat will probably have the same reaction again and again every time it presents itself as a surprise.
One way to see this differently is to imagine that someone is constantly dropping a false spider when you have Arachnophobia.

It would not be so fun, and although it is possible that you do not fall eventually, a cat will probably not learn that it is just a joke.
So, avoid doing your cat’s trick on your cat, since it does more damage than good

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