Cats can accidentally poisoned for many things that you probably have at home or around your home. Common household items, plants, food, medications and chemicals can spell disaster if your cat comes into contact with them. If your cat is poisoned, call your emergency veterinarian immediately.
You can also call the Pet Pot Poison help line at 1-855-764-7661 or the Animal poisoning control center ASPCA at 1-888-426-4435 and follow your instructions. They can charge a rate, but it is worth it if your cat’s life is at stake. Here are some ways in which cats are accidentally poisoned by what they should be careful.
1. Medicine
You can see the owner of a pet to give your cat a pill/tablet. The photo was taken from the perspective of the pet owner, looking at his Scottish fold cat, which he hoped to look up and patiently wait for his medicine.
Many types of human medications and pills can poison a cat. Antidepressants, cancer medication, cold medicine, diet pills, analgesics, vitamins and supplements, or other medications can cause extreme diseases or death. Keep these in a safe container and keep them out of reach of your cat in a firmly closed or closed drawer or drawer. In addition, keep your cat’s medication out of the reach of your kitten’s legs and make sure you follow the instructions carefully when managing it.
2. Interior plants and flowers
Several types of interior plants and flowers are toxic to cats. The most common include narcissos, lillies, azaleas, geraniums and tomato plants, but there are many more that are fatal for a cat if they eat. If you allow your cat to leave, take precautions, since several of these plants grow in outdoor gardens. In addition, Céspedes treated with fertilizer can also cause poisoning if their kitten likes to chew herb.
3. Pesticides
Pesicides that include rats, insect bait and murderers of aerosol insects are also poisonous for cats. Even if you do not use these products on your property, you can derive from neighboring Céspedes and pollute your area. In addition to the pesticides used for plants, inappropriate use of flea or tick medication can also cause poisoning. Dogs destined for dogs can be especially toxic to cats, even through skin contact. Always carefully check the labels of your drugs for fleas and ticks. Do not use them in excess and do not mix medicines for different animals.
4. Wild animals
Even if your cat does not eat directly or get in touch with a pesticide, you can still obtain secondary contact with an animal that has chemicals in your system. A rat or insect that has eaten poison can be a big problem for a cat, especially if your kitten likes to look for small prey. If you suspect that people use pesticides in their area, you may want to keep your cat indoors if they are prone to hunt.
5. Antichipezo
The antifreeze has a sweet smell and a taste that animals tend to attract animals. The reason why it is so dangerous, even if it remains in a sealed container, is that it is often spilled in the entrance road, in the garage or in the streets. A small dose of even half a tablespoon can be fatal. Keep your blocked antifreeze. Thoroughly clean the spills and check your car in search of leaks. If your cat likes to wander, keep in mind that puddles can contain antifreeze, especially in colder months, and if your cat drinks from them, you could easily suffer antifreeze poisoning.
6. Human food and drinks
Woman with white wine glass and cat on the sofa in the room
There are many human foods and drinks that can be toxic to cats, especially food served in festive meals. Alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, grapes and leaves of tomato and potato plants can land your cat in the veterinary emergency room. Take precautions and keep these foods away from your cat’s reach. If you have a Christmas party, it may be better to keep your cat in another room while the food is out and available.
7. Inappropriate diets
Beautiful cat eating fresh meat outside
If you are experiencing with a homemade diet or nutritional supplements for your cat, you should consult a veterinarian before starting preparing meals. Too much of certain nutrients can end up poisoning your cat. Vitamin A, for example, can cause lethargy, constipation, weight loss and allergies of the skin, among other symptoms, if it is ingested in quantities high enough. Vitamin D poisoning can cause vomiting, weakness, seizures, abdominal pain and tremors. Talk to a veterinarian on the formulation of a balanced diet before trying to make food for your cat on your own.
8. Home cleaners
Glass cleaning – domestic tasks
The kitchen and bathroom surface cleaners, carpet cleaners and bowl cleaners can be highly toxic to cats. It is important that you do not allow your cat to be close to clean surfaces until they have dried completely. Cats can collect chemicals on their legs, and if they lick them later, they can accidentally ingest poisons. Save all cleaners in well sealed containers and keep them in closed or safe cabinets. Whiters, detergents and disinfectants contain poisonous chemicals.
9. Metals
The red cat and the pile of coins against Whitlead can be present in some consumer products, as well as old paint chips, linoleum or surfaces in older houses. When lead dust is breathed, it is highly toxic. Mercury, which may be present in fish such as tuna or in older thermometers, can also cause serious cats. Other metals such as zinc, which can be found in some currencies, are also poisonous. Keep these metals out of the reach of your cat and avoid feeding your kitten tuna in large quantities, if they do.
10. Bright or potpery liquid sticks
Sand box for cats with the red flower – pleasant aroma concept
Certain objects that it has around your home for several reasons, such as shine or liquid potpouri sticks, contain chemicals that are somewhat toxic. Bright bars contain dibutyl phthalate, which is rarely fatal when they are ingested, but can cause profuse baboo. Liquid potpourri can cause chemical burns in the mouth, difficulty breathing, vomiting, tremors or even damage to the organs. Be sure to maintain products containing liquid chemicals out of reach of your cat.
What other common forms can accidentally poison cats? How should cat owners take precautions? Let us know in the comments below!