Cat Behavior
How intelligent is your cat? – The Purrington Post

Cats have captivated humans for a long time with their entertaining behavior and independent spirit, which leads many to wonder about the true scope of their intelligence.
In this publication, we offer six simple tests that the owner of a cat can do at home to have an idea of your cat’s intelligence. These tests can help evaluate several aspects of the problem solving skills of a cat, memory and adaptability.
While it is often seen as distant and inscrutable, cats have a remarkable ability to learn, adapt and interact with their environment so that they reveal a deeply rooted cognitive skill. From problem solving skills and memory retention to social interactions and communication, cat intelligence is a multifaceted phenomenon that continues to intrigue the owners of pets and scientists equally.
Try these simple tests in your cats to determine your intelligence. These tests are intended to be fun and attractive for both you and your cat, so keep the environment positive and stress free. Enjoy!
1. The treatment test
Aim: Evaluate problem solving skills and learning capacity.
Necessary materials:
- A deal of your cat likes.
- A small and transparent plastic container or a cup.
- Place the gift under the container while your cat is looking.
- Note how your cat tries to get the gift.
- An intelligent cat will generally try to discover how to break down or move the container to get the gift.

2. The chain test
Aim: Try memory and monitoring skills.
Necessary materials:
- A piece of rope or thread.
- Drag the rope down the floor, allowing your cat to see it.
- Hide the rope under a blanket or behind a furniture while your cat looks.
- Note if your cat remembers where the rope was hidden and tries to recover it.

3. The Cup game
Aim: Evaluate memory solving memory and skills.
Necessary materials:
- Three cups.
- A small gift or toy.
- Place the gift under one of the cups while your cat is looking.
- I consider the cups several times.
- See if your cat can track the cup with the treat and try to get it.

4. The box test
Aim: Try curiosity and problem solving skills.
Necessary materials:
- An empty cardboard box.
- A favorite gift or toy.
- Place the gift or toy inside the box while your cat is looking.
- Close the box, leaving it slightly open so that your cat can access it with a little effort.
- Note how your cat tries to get the gift or toy from the box.

5. Puzzle feeder
Aim: Evaluate problem solving and adaptability skills.
Necessary materials:
- A puzzle feeder or a DIY version that uses a muffin can and tennis balls.
- Candy or croquettes.
- Place the sweets or squats inside the compartments of the puzzle feeder or under the tennis balls in Muffins’ can.
- Note how your cat works to get the food from the puzzle feeder.

6. Mirror test
Aim: Self -consciousness test (Note: Not all animals pass this test, including many intelligent species).
Necessary materials:
- Place the mirror in front of your cat.
- Note your cat’s reaction. Do you recognize yourself or do you think it is another cat?

Observations and interpretations
While these tests can provide information about your cat’s intelligence, it is important to remember that intelligence can manifest in different ways. Some cats can excel in problem -solving tasks, while others may show their intelligence through social interactions or adaptability. In addition, the motivation and personality of a cat play an important role in how they perform in these tests.
Do you have a boring cat? Look at this intelligent interactive gravity ball designed to imitate dam movements and stimulate/entertain your cat! Endless fun and an excellent way to reduce behaviors related to boredom. Ah, and it is USB rechargeable, which means that no more expensive batteries. Check it here => Interactive cat ball.
Cat Behavior
Guele Guerrero’s People Cat

A street cat brings together five strangers in the course of a fateful summer in this moving novel about love, family found and the power of the connection.
Núria, a single-choice barista with a little resentment for the “Crazy Cat Lady” label, is a member of the Meow-Corners, a group in Brooklyn who deals with the street cats of the neighborhood. In her volunteer days, she begins to find adhesive notes left by a secret admirer in an area where she feeds her favorite street, a black cat named Gato. Like most cats, he is curious and observer, so, of course, he knows who the notes are. Núria, however, has no idea.
Are Collin’s notes, a best -selling and hermit self -proclaimed with weak coffee? Are they from Lily, a Native of Georgia recently out of school that seeks her lost half -sister? Are Omar, the beloved mailman of the neighborhood that goes through an early medium age crisis? Or are Bong, the widower afflicted that Núria’s favorite winery has?
When Cat suddenly falls ill, these five strangers are united in their desire to take care of it, and discover that casual encounters can lead to the significant connections that everyone has been looking for.
Tanya Guerrero is a Filipina and Spanish by birth, and has been lucky enough to call three countries home: Philippines, Spain and the United States. Currently, she lives in a shipping container house in Manila’s suburbs with her husband, her daughter and a collection of rescued cats and dogs. It has been offered as a volunteer for animal welfare organizations since 2008, with an approach in trap/castration/return and rescue/foster/adoTanya Guerrero is a Filipino and Spanish by birth, and has been lucky enough to call three countries home: Philippines, Spain and the United States. Currently, she lives in a shipping container house in Manila’s suburbs with her husband, her daughter and a collection of rescued cats and dogs. It has been offered as a volunteer for animal welfare organizations since 2008, with an approach in traps/neutral/return and rescue/foster/adopt groups. In his free time, he cultivates his own food, baked and readings. In his free time, he cultivates his own food, bakes and reads.
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Cat Behavior
Is your stressed cat – 10 signs and how to help – Cat Behavior Alliance and Carolina Cat Sanctuary

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Defend his kitten today-believes our guide
By Rita Reimers, multi -cat behavior expert
You love your cat. It provides gourmet meals, the best scratching publications and you even let them sleep his Bed (let’s be honest, possess it now). But despite all that, your cat can still be stressed in secret“And drawing your revenge.” 😼
Here are 10 subtle signals Your supreme lord can feel anxious and how to solve it, before They leave you a “surprise” out of the sand box!
1. Excessive Grooming: Blues bald

Sign: Your cat is licking, chewing or taking fur as if they were preparing for a feline fashion parade … but with unfortunate bald points.
Why does it happen: Stress can trigger compulsive preparation as an coping mechanism. It is like when humans bite their nails, except that their cat ends with an unfortunate case of irregular fluff. This sign of stress in cats could also be a food allergy, fleas or other similar problem, so be sure to discard them first.

How to solve it:
- First discard medical problems: on preparation it can also be a sign of allergies or skin irritation.
- Identify the stressful: Did you move the sofa? three inches? Introduce a new pet? Do you start using a different laundry detergent? (Cats Note everything.
- Try a soothing pheromone diffuser, a more interactive game time and provide hiding hides.
For the Council: Meow Mist more It will help with any skin condition that your kitten may have. It works in dogs and humans too!
2. Avoid the sand box: a smelly protest
Sign: Your cat, once a reliable bath user, now is urinating off the box or doubt before intervening. It is a safe sign of feline stress.
Why does it happen: Stress can make your cat feel uncomfortable using the sand box, especially if it is dirty, in a high traffic area or has the type of incorrect sand.
- Keep the box clean: goats hate a dirty bath as much as you.
- Try different types of garbage and make sure the box is in a Quiet and accessible point.
- Consider Multiple boxes For multi -cat homes.
For the Council: Clean any error with a safe enzymatic cleaner such as Anti -ilosy Poo. Both beautiful and I use this regularly, even in clothes!
3. Hide more than usual: the act of escape

Sign: Suddenly, your cat is more difficult to find than your motivation to wash clothes. It is definitely avoiding something stressful.
Why does it happen: When cats feel stressed, they often hide to feel safe. If your cat used to hang out with you on the couch but now it is exclusively under the bed, stress could be the reason.

How to solve it:
- Create safe areas With cozy beds or cardboard boxes in quiet areas where your cat can withdraw.
- Let them go on their own terms, not the interaction of the force.
- Reduce domestic stressors such as strong noises or sudden changes in your routine.
4. Random aggression: the humor changes of fatality
Sign: Your sweet tree has become a Small tornado and fed by anger of claws.
Why does it happen: Stress can cause a normally cold cat to behave aggressively, often because they feel cornered or overestimulated.
How to solve it:
- Give them space, forcing hugs when they are not humorous A terrible idea.
- Wear Positive reinforcement to reward quiet behavior with sweets and affection.
- If they are attacking against another pet, do Slow reintroductions instead of a “find out” approach.
For the Council: See our article, CAT knows CAT, for more information about CAT’s presentations and stress signs by cat
5. Piting or restlessness: zoomies with one side of anxiety
Sign: Your cat is walking the house As a stressed CEO before a great presentation.
Why does it happen: Stress or boredom can cause rhythm. Your cat may feel that they are at a high -risk meeting, but it is only their internal anxiety.
How to solve it:
- Add more Vertical spaces As cats of cats or shelves, where they can perch and feel safe.
- Increase the interactive game, especially with the puzzle toys that challenge your mind.
- It remains in a routine: the caps thrive in predictability, and anxiety often comes from the lack of consistency.
For the Council: Make your own cat tree! Linda shows you how
6. Sudden changes of appetite: buffet or boycott?
Sign: Your cat is Eat either reject food in total. Reject food is one of the classic stress signs per cat
Why does it happen: Stress affects appetite, as in humans. If your cat is stressed, you could eat excessively as a mechanism of coping or reject food completely.
How to solve it:
- Keep food time consistent“Cats Love Rutine.”
- Make sure the food plate is in a Quiet and quiet area With minimal distractions.
- Underlying health problems are off: if stress is the cause, the rejection of food often occurs during changes in their environment.
Sign: Your cat’s tail is Twitching as if receiving radio signals from spaceor your ears are flattened back.
Why does it happen: A blinking tail and stuck ears are clear signs that your cat is upset, overestimulated or feeling anxious.
How to solve it:
- Respect its limits. If they show signs of irritation, stop caressing or interacting with them.
- Learn to recognize your body language: crushed ears = “I have finished with this.”
- If your cat is overestimulated, reverse and let them get off your anxiety.
8. Excessive Mawing or Tosing: The priest seeking attention

Sign: Your cat is winning without stopping, especially at night when you try to sleep.
Why does it happen: Cats vocalize when they are stressed, trying to communicate their needs. They can feel insecure, anxious or simply want attention.
How to solve it:
- Make sure they have a lot of stimulation During the day, play with them before bedtime to be tired.
- Keep your predictable and quiet routine, especially around bedtime.
- If the icurito persists, verify medical problems such as dental pain or an urinary tract infection.
9. Tame things or destructive behavior
Sign: His cat suddenly becomes a small demolition ball, eliminating the things from the shelves or scratching everything in sight. Another of the classic signs of stress and/or boredom.
Why does it happen: Stress can lead to attention search behavior. Your cat may be trying to get your attention when destructive.
How to solve it:
- Provide appropriate outputs for your energy, such as scratching posts or cat trees.
- Increase recreation And make sure they have many toys to commit.
- If the destructive behavior is happening while you are out, try to use a soothing diffuser or puzzle toys full of sweets.
10. Changes in sleep habits: stress frog

Sign: Your cat is sleeping more than usual Or it seems restless during the naps.
Why does it happen: Stress can cause sleep alterations. If your cat is awake all night or seems excessively sleepy, it may be due to anxiety or fear.
How to solve it:
- Provide a Quiet and comfortable rest area Far from home interruptions.
- Keep the peaceful environment, especially at night, avoid strong noises or sudden movements.
- Keep a regular schedule, since predictability helps reduce stress.
Final thoughts: Is your cat plotting revenge?

If you recognize any Of these signs of stress in your cat, it does not scare. Some small adjustments can make a big difference. Cats love a Without stress, predictable Environment, so give them the real treatment they expect.
Do you need help with those signs of stress per cat?
Do you want expert help to find out what is stressing your cat? Reserve a session with the Cat Behavior alliance today!
Cat Behavior
The importance of aroma: how your cat shapes

When it comes to aroma, we often think of how important it is for dogs, but most people do not consider their importance for cats. Like dogs, the sense of a cat smell is very important in his daily life, which influences everything, from his sense of security to his curiosity.
The meaning of a cat smell
Do you ever wonder what makes the meaning of a cat smell so powerful? Cats not only have about 200 million olfactory cells in the nose, but also have special adaptations that make their sense of smell exceptional.
- The organ of Jacobson: This organ is made up of 2 bags that sit at the top of the back of the mouth. It is connected to both the nose and the mouth. When a cat breathes an aroma, open its mouth slightly to pull the aroma and move its tongue to the roof of its mouth. This sends the aroma to the organ of Jacobson where the aroma and information are sent to your brain.
- Flehman reaction: We have all seen cats lift an aroma and sit there partially open while processing the aroma. What we are observing is known as Flehman’s reaction. During the reaction, what we could not notice is that the cat breathes quickly, which accelerates the aroma process that is sent to the Jacobson organ. This allows the cat to quickly identify the aroma and respond according to their instincts.
The pheromones speak
In the world of a cat, they use pheromones to communicate everything, from marking their territory to forming mother and kitten ties and even marking their humans. Maybe he wonders, what is exactly a pheromone? A pheromone is a chemist that is released by a cat through the glands located throughout his body and helps communicate with other cats and the environment in which they live.
- Cats have glands on the forehead, chin, lips and lower part of their front legs that produce pheromones. When a cat touched your head, rub your cheek, press your lips against your finger or knead you, you are leaving your aroma behind. This is his way of marking you as part of his group.
- You can notice a cat rubbing the head and body along the objects of your home or patio. This is how they marks those areas as their territory, and the pheromones that leave behind communicate this to other cats. Similarly, when a cat scratches objects such as furniture or a scraper, it is not only preparing its claws, but also marks the area with its aroma.
How can the enriching smell?
Not only can the smell of communication be used, but it can also provide mental enrichment for a cat, especially those who live inside. It is always important to provide daily enrichment for your cats, but you may not have considered the enrichment of smell. Here are some ideas to incorporate the aroma into your cat’s enrichment routine:
- Catnip: Most people have offered their cat grass, but they never realized that it is enrichment. Instead of placing the cat grass in front of your cat, you can hide the cat grass in areas of the whole house so that your cat will find it, which can be exciting and stimulating for your cat.
- Smell enrichment kit: You can buy an aroma enrichment kit that is full of safe botanists for your cat to enjoy. By placing a small amount of a few types in bowls, you can offer your cat a smell enrichment buffet.
- Bring outdoors inside: Collect plants, sticks, grass, flowers and safe cats for cats and put it in a shallow cardboard box for your cat to explore. Each element not only has its own aroma, but the aroma of the outdoors adds an additional impulse of stimulation.
Understanding how the meaning of a cat’s smell works can help us take care of them better and provide an environment that stimulates their natural instincts. Incorporating aroma enrichment in your cat’s routine can offer new levels of mental stimulation and joy. By taking advantage of the power of the aroma, you can improve your cat’s quality of life and strengthen the link you share with them.
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