Since my beloved Cody died on June 30, 2020, as many of you know, my blog time has been very limited. When Cody left, any desire to blogged me that would have left me (To be honest, it was decreasing before they died and his death, as well as Dakota’s precious ones, nine days later, he practically sealed the treatment).
I finally returned, although sporadically. I also promised not to do it anymore ANY Book reviews. Because? Because many of them were too painful for me to be. (Being honest, they are still.)
In April or May it contacted me Sierra KoesterThe writer who compiled the previous book “Purseverance” (Inspiring stories of cats and hope of cats). For those of you who may not be familiar with Sierra, she is “An independent writer and Professional Blogger. Sierra is a professional member of the Association of Writers of CAT and the content manager of The cat’s blogosphereA place for all pet bloggers. She also writes Fur everywherean educational blog and entertaining about cats. “
I will not lie. I sat in this book for him The longest Time because, although 4 years have passed since Cody has left, the pain is still raw. After spending enough guilt not to open the book, I finally decided to read it.
I’m glad to have done it.
It was Sierra’s own jewel the inspiration behind this compilation. Jewel came to live with Sierra at the advanced age of 14 years after having lived a challenging life. Written Sierra, “It was not until I met Jewel that I understood how remarkably resistant can be our feline friends. Jewel’s persistence and resistance served as the inspiration for this anthology that presents other cats that have overcome the struggles of life.”
Some of my favorite stories in this book are:
My name is not scooter-written by Lorianne Miller About his tripod Kitty Evan. Lorianne writes the blog
Lázaro cat-Critted by Sierra M. Koester about his beautiful Lita cat
Wren: “A caged kitten can’t curl” Written by Julia Williams. He resonated with me because when I adopted Cody for the first time, he didn’t have the skin color I preferred. I also remember having followed Julia on social networks when she first adopted Wren and was trying to find a name for her.
Brian is at home-Critted by Terry Frum (Who in the blogosphere of cats is so well known that technically does not need introduction)? Terry not only “Talk the talk” he “Walk the way”rescuing a multitude of cats and attending to FERALS to YEARS. The dear Brian De Terry, an endearing, wise, gentle and loving boy, won my heart many years ago when I started blogging. Terry and his wife are two of the most dedicated pet parents I have met. Not only for his own pets, but Terry has been there for me and for countless others when we only needed an ear to offer support or anything else they may need. Brian had many of the same qualities as Terry. He believed that “if you are kind, then everyone gets along and we can overcome adversity together.” You can find Terry’s blog Brian’s house in And you can also find Terry in the Cat Blogopshere:
Carmine meets its purpose-Critted by Sierra M. Koester about his beloved Kitty Carmine.
And many, many more!
It is the hope of Sierra that the stories in this book inspire you of the way they inspired her (Me too !!!). Sierra reminds us that “Sometimes, even seemingly desperate situations can change. Our feline friends have a lot to offer wisdom. The next time you face a difficult challenge, hope you choose to follow the example of these cats for” never surrender! “
To buy:
In complete dissemination: I did not receive compensation for this book function. I received a copy of Purrseverance in exchange for it in my blog.