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Cat Behavior

All about feline behavior drugs



Molly joins Dr. Valarie Tynes, a veterinarian with a specialty in behavior, to talk about commonly prescribed medications for cat behavior problems. What drugs are better for stress aggression and which ones are better for spraying? Understand why your veterinarian prescribes behavioral medications and learn how drug therapy could work well with a behavior modification plan.

Click here to listen to the complete podcast:

All about feline behavior drugs

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Cat Behavior

Discovered: the surprising reason for the reason of the cats scratches the furniture, and how to stop them, modern cat



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A new study reveals the true reason why cats scratch furniture, and what to do about it

Last update: January 22, 2025

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Like anyone with to grated couch can attest, cats lined furniture is to common complaint. Is also a innate behavior-cats need a exit to satisfy his desire To scratch. What should a frustrated cat lover do?

A new study published in the magazine Veterinary borders Science It reveals secret motivations behind scratch and suggests friendly forms to handle behavior.

The study reveals secret motivations behind scratching

“Our findings can help caregivers administer and redirect scratch to appropriate materials, which could It helps to promote A more harmonious Life environment For both cats and Your caregivers, “he says Dr. Jasmine Sall it Demíbbas, a veterinarian researcher in Universidad de Ankara and author of The study.

The researchers surveyed more than 1,200 cat owners in France about the daily habits of their cats, personality traits and scratch behaviors. What they discovered were significant links Between scratch behavior and factors such as the presence of children at home, cat temperament and activity levels.

“We see a clear link between certain environmental and behavioral factors and greater scratch behavior in cats “.

Environmental and behavioral factors to search if your cat scratches furniture

“We see a clear link between certain environmental and behavioral factors and greater scratch behavior In cats, ”explains Dr. Salgirli Demirbas. “Specifically, the presence of children at home, as well as high levels of play and night activity contributes significantly to an increase in scratches. The cats described as aggressive or disruptive also exhibited higher levels of scratch. ” Stress, such as that caused by young children in he home, was found to be to major cause of unwanted Scratched He study also found that cats that exhibited high level of play and night activity lined further.

Photo Natalia Duryagina/Bigstock

Adapting game sessions and strategically placing scratch posts can help reduce and redirect your Cat is scratching.

What to do: How to make your cat stop scratching furniture

Good news is There are strategies that It can help stop behavior.

Aim to provide multiple scratch publications in Your cat favorite areas (generally indicated by Where they They are already scratch). Reduce Your cat stress by provided that vertical space and hiding place they It can withdraw to. Feromone aerosols and diffuser have It has been shown to promote calm. AND play sessions aid Your cat spend Energy, alone Be sure to leave Your cat Catch your “dam” To avoid creating frustration. Multiple shorts play sessions throughout The day that mock successful Hunting scenarios They are the best, according to SALUGE AMIRBAS SALUGE.

Although the link Among children and the increase in scratches is It is not totally understood, realizing this as a possible cause of stress and providing your cat for ways to escape unwanted care can help save your furniture!

This article originally appeared on the award -winning Modern cat magazine. Subscribe today!

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Cat Behavior

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