Cat Nutrition
7 Ways to improve the health and well -being of your older dog | Animal Welfare Magazine

Older dogs need additional care to stay healthy and happy as long as possible and this guide shows how to improve the health and well -being of dogs.
As our dogs enter the final stages of their lives, we often notice changes in their habits, behavior and health in general. Seeing your dog becoming more tired, sensitive and slow can be a disturbing experience, but there are many ways to help him navigate his last year in a comfortable and safe way, and with good quality of life. Let’s explore seven ways in which you can support and learn How to improve the health and well -being of older dogs Through its twilight years.
1. Give quality nutrition
A healthy balanced diet is as crucial for your dog as it is for you, especially as it ages.
- Give a high quality food and easy to digest acts of healthy ingredients and without chemical preservatives or other synthetic ingredients.
- You may have read that older dogs do not need so much protein, but that is not necessarily true. Quality protein remains the focal point of your dog’s diet, although older canines normally do not need as many calories as young active dogs. Usually, it only means that your dog will need to eat a little less than it used to do it. In any case, be sure to monitor your weight and adjust your diet as necessary with the help of your veterinarian.
- A nutritious diet also includes the necessary supplements. For example, omega-3 fatty acids and joint support supplements such as glucosamine and chondroitin can help relieve the discomfort of arthritis. Omega-3 can also help protect against cognitive deterioration, while probiotics can help with digestion. Antioxidants support the immune system and reduce oxidative damage in the body.
Quality protein remains the focal point of its senior The dog’s diet, although older canines normally do not need as many calories as young active dogs.
2. Make sure you have a comfortable life space
- All dogs sleep a lot, but older dogs tend to sleep even more. So be sure to offer your older dog a comfortable bed in a quiet place so you can take a nap when you need it. A thick memory foam mattress is a great idea: quality memory foam provides support for aged joints, while it is soft enough for your dog to feel comfortable. Bedding and pillows can make the bed even easier to bed.
- If your dog develops mobility problems, consider ramps or steps to help you reach higher surfaces, such as your bed, the couch or the recoil of your car. Make sure your bed, bowls and toys are in accessible areas that do not require that you climb many stairs.
- Some dogs develop vision problems as they age, which means that it is important not to move furniture or leave anything in the middle of the floor where they can run into or stumble upon it.
3. Provide soft exercise
While the energy game of your dog’s youth can be a distant memory, regular soft exercise is still essential. Although it could be lazy, it is important that it stay in shape, perhaps even more important than ever To improve the health and well -being of older dogs.
- Consider low -impact activities, such as short walks, swimming or quiet game sessions. For example, if your dog still likes to chase a ball, do not throw it away and keep the game short. Adapt the exercise of exercises of the individual needs and limitations of your dog, to promote mobility and help it maintain a healthy weight without causing injuries.
- Rehabilitation techniques, such as walking on an underwater running tape, can also be useful for older dogs, especially those with rigid joints.
4. Stimulate your mind
Keeping you The mind of the dog that ages Committed is crucial for good cognitive health.
- Puzzle toys and interactive games can be an excellent way to keep your dog active, even if you don’t have much energy for physical exercise.
- The incorporation of the aroma to the game time can be particularly beneficial for older dogs because it satisfies their sensory needs. Carpet are an easy way to achieve this: they are designed with hidden pockets for treats that your dog has to smell.
- The Cup game is another excellent option for mental stimulation. It involves hiding a gift under one of several cups and then razing them. Your dog should use your nose and cognitive skills to track the aroma and find the hidden gift, adding an additional layer of mental challenge.
5. Take it for regular veterinary checkups
Frequent veterinary checks are important to capture any potential health problem from the beginning, including heart or renal disease, cognitive deterioration, problems with vision or audition, etc. Many dogs begin to show symptoms of chronic conditions when they age and maintain a reliable veterinarian in the circuit is vital. A checkpoint at least twice a year is a good idea, even if you don’t notice any obvious problem.
A checkpoint at least twice a year is a good idea, even if you don’t notice any obvious problem.
6. Take advantage of holistic therapies
Many natural therapies can contribute to your dog’s well -being.
- Together with supplements and rehabilitation, modalities such as acupuncture, acression, chiropractic, massage and more can benefit an aged canine.
- A variety of herbal remedies can also be useful for everything, from pain management to urinary tract problems, immune support, although it is important to work with an integrative or holistic veterinarian that knows the use of dogs for dogs.
- It is known that turmeric has anti -inflammatory effects and can be excellent for dogs suffering from rigid joints.
- Ginger or mint can solve annoying tea.
- Essential therapeutic degree oils, such as chamomile and lavender, can calm anxiety.
7. Give a lot of love and unconditional attention
Perhaps the most crucial gift you can give your biggest dog during your twilight years is to give you a lot of emotional support and attention. Pass quality together, offer soft affection and in tune with any change in their health or behavior. His presence and love is what he needs most at this stage of his life, and will bring him immense comfort and security as he ages.
Publication views: 2,050
Sharon Elber is a professional writer with a master’s degree in Science Studies of the State University of Virginia. He has also worked as a professional dog coach for more than ten years.
Cat Nutrition
Do you want quality pet supplements? Look for these 7 things! | Animal Welfare Magazine

As a father and cat consumer, you only want high quality pet supplements. But what exactly does that mean? Here are seven things you can search to identify the best supplements!
It is assumed that supplements help your dog live the best and healthier life, but that does not mean that everyone is up to the task. Similarly, although finding quality supplements that are worth the price can make a difference for pets, not all pet parents know what to look for. And with so many supplements out there, it can be difficult to choose those that are worth the cost. But with these seven tips, you can easily identify high quality pet supplements!
1. Capacity to fill the nutritional gaps with quality, integral food ingredients
The supplements given to your dog or cat are destined to supplement Your diet with nutrients that could be missing in your daily meals. The best source of these nutrients are real, whole and raw foods.
2. There are no unnecessary ingredients
What you don’t want in your pet supplements is as important as you want! The highest quality products do not need artificial fillings or ingredients because they are already full of real and healthy foods.
3. Results you can see
Quality, integral food ingredients that fill nutritional gaps produce supplements they deliver. Depending on the supplement, you should expect to see better skin and coat health, higher energy levels, better digestion, better vitality or a reduction in allergy symptoms.
4. Easy delivery method
Your dog or cat cannot benefit from something you can’t do. The supplements come in many forms, including tablets, chews, powders and liquids, and it is crucial to find something that works for their four -legged family.
5. Good company track
An easy test for the reliability of a company is its history and reputation. There is great money in the animal accessories industry, and companies appear all the time they wish to collect. Sometimes they have excellent marketing strategies, but that does not mean that they have experience and knowledge to support their products.
6. Test and certification
Any company can make claims on its product, but the real test is the verification of third parties. That is why you want proven and certified products independently. Look for organic certified supplements of the USDA and those of the quality of the National Council of Animal Supplements (NASC).
7. Transparent processes
Companies that manufacture high quality pet supplements want exactly how their products are done, what enters them and how their skin baby can benefit. They will be clear and open about their manufacturing processes, where their products are manufactured and where their ingredients come from.
Complete organic canine: support of the entire body for dogs in which you can trust
Wholistic Pet Organics has been manufacturing higher pet supplements since 1998, and Complete organic canine It is your star product. This farm supplement to the tension is done internally in Bedford, New Hampshire with raw ingredients, human degree and comprehensive food and without fillings, OGM or artificial additives. Provides vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, digestive microflora, antioxidants and enzymes, support:
- Improvement of skin and coat health
- Reduced allergy symptoms
- Best digestive health
- Greater vitality
In addition, the product presents the organic certification of the USDA and the NASC quality seal and is now available in organic pumpkin flavor.
Visit Wolistic pet organics To learn more!
Publication views: 1,409

Animal Wellness is the Journal of Health and Natural Lifestyle of North America for dogs and cats, with a reader of more than one million every year. AW presents articles by some of the most recognized experts in the pet industry, with topics ranging from diet and health issues, to articles on training, physical state and emotional well -being.
Cat Nutrition
When can I stop training my dog? – Blog from the Green Acres kennel store

When can I stop training my dog?
By Don Hanson, PCBC-A, Bfrap
<Una versión de este artículo fue publicada en Pets and its people on June 28, 2022 >
<Una versión de este artículo fue publicada en la edición de octubre de 2022 de Downast dog news>
< Updated 22oct22 >
< A short link for this page – >
My students often ask when they can stop training their dogs. That’s when I ask them when you anticipate that you will stop learning. My point is that we are still learning while we are alive. The same is true for our dogs.
If our dog is awake, they learn from us and the environment in which they live. Since the environment is vast and is almost always available for our dogs, it offers more learning opportunities than us. For example, a child in a high chair or an elderly father at the dining room table can teach his dog by dropping accidental or intentionally while eats. In this case, your dog may be learning something that would prefer not to do so.
Understand that your dog can also learn from dogs and people interacting in the dog park or dog nursery. Even the wind that blows through your apple at the end of summer, causing the fruit to fall, could be teaching your dog. Taking into account that your dog is always learning, I think there are many excellent reasons to continue training.
Reasons to continue training your dog
We all need a review from time to time we hope to maintain our skills. While I had two years of German in high school, I have not used that knowledge and ability for years, and as a result, Ich Kann Kein Deutsch Mehr (I can no longer speak German). If we stop asking our dogs to do what we have taught them, they can be oxidized and not answer as well as we would like. MUPPY and I practice behaviors how to sit, leave it and remember regularly. Having a reliable leave it and withdraw can save your dog’s life.
However, I also practice training for my benefit. Training is a mechanical ability; Like all skills, it requires maintenance, just like a golf swing. The only difference between a click and sweets and a golf club and a ball is the hairy friend I am interacting is sensitive, while the golf ball is not.
However, a second reason and even more important to continue training your dog is that it is an excellent way to provide both mental stimulation. When Done well, the training will be fun and will make your link even stronger. That does not mean that it should be registered in a dog training class. A well -designed dog training program will leave it with the skills and knowledge you need to continue working with your dog much after completing the class; However, if you attend a class so that both can learn something new, why not? For example, Muppy and I recently attended a new kind of Forcefreepets, is offered called the joy of smelling. We had a great time! We both learned new skills, but, more importantly, we had fun doing something together. We are using what we learned several times a week
Remember, training does not need to limit yourself to things like sitting and remembering. You can teach your dog silly tricks or teach them to use their nose while playing fun aroma games like Find It. You will soon forget that you are learning when you and your dog have fun together. The best teachers I have had in my life could make learning fun.
My point is that minimally, at least we need to recognize that our dog will learn all his life. So why not use that enthusiasm for knowledge making it an opportunity to continue feeding our link with our dog while having fun?
Determine if your dog understands to sit
Students often ask, how can I know if my dog understands what I am teaching you? The way in which we evaluate a dog’s training can vary with what we are teaching, the environment where we are testing them and the dog and their physical and emotional state at that particular time. Next you will find a method that you can use to evaluate how well your dog understands simple behavior as SIT.
In each scenario, you will give your dog a visual or verbal signal and seek to respond in 1 to 2 seconds, eight times of every 10.
- In three different bedrooms in your home
- For three family members
- With you stopped in front of the dog
- With you sitting in a chair with the dog in front of you
- With you sitting on the floor with the dog in front of you
- In three different places in your patio
- In three other places away from your home
- In a distraction environment
The definitive test can be if you can lie on your back in an environment where you usually play with your dog, and they will respond to your signal.
Recommended resources
Articles in Don’s blog
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About Don Hanson –
Don Hanson lives in Bangor, Maine, where he is the co -owner of Green Acres Kennel Shop ( ) and the founder of Forfreepets.coma Online educational resource for people with dogs and cats. He is a professional canine behavior consultant (PCBC-A) accredited by the Professional Pet Accreditation Board (PPAB) and a registered animal practitioner of the Bach Foundation (Bfrp). Don is a member of the Professional Pet Guild (PPG)serving in the Board of Directors and the Steering Committee and presiding over the Defense Division. He is also founding director of Pet devocacy international (Piai). In addition, Don Produce and Co-Anphitations THE MEOW WOOF MEOW SHOW Podcast, available in The Apple Podcast application and Don’s blog: www.words The opinions in this article are those of Don Hanson.
© 22oct22, Donald J. Hanson, all rights reserved
< Click on the copyright and use policy >
Cat Nutrition
How to surely celebrate a pet’s birthday – Halo Pet Blog

How to surely celebrate a pet’s birthday
Happy Birthday! We all love a celebration, and the birthday of a pet (or the day of adoption) is a great excuse to spoil them, as if we did not do it every day!
Of course, there are many ways to celebrate and show our love to our pets, but certainly one of the favorites is through food. Sometimes celebration, we might want to show our pets some extra love with something special and different from their usual diet. That is fine, but we must be careful what we offer.
Cats have different nutrient requirements than us, and also have different tolerances, so we want to make sure that what they offer are not only tasty, but also safe. We know that cats have preference for high foods in proteins and high fat, although we must be careful not to exaggerate. Offering rich foods to cats is safer than for dogs, since cats are not so risk of developing pancreatitis, although it can certainly happen. Then, keep the birthdays in moderation.
The 10% rule
Yes, the rules even apply on birthdays! The 10% rule refers to feeding 90% of the daily calories of a complete and balanced food source, such as halo croquettes or canned food, and a maximum of 10% of sweets, sandwiches or remains. In this way, we can be sure that Fluffy is fulfilling its nutritional requirements every day and that we do not accidentally induce a dietary deficiency. Verify the calorie content of the treats and the snacks to ensure that they do not exceed the rule. If you are not sure of the daily calorie requirements of your cat, an estimate (based on average cat sizes) is:
Cat weight (in pounds) | Daily calorie requirement |
8 | 180 – 250 |
9 | 200 – 275 |
10 | 215 – 300 |
11 | 235 – 330 |
Of course, each cat is an individual, so if you are not sure of your cat’s daily calorie requirements, talk to your family veterinarian.
Human foods that are insecure for cats
In addition to sweets, sandwiches and commercial chewing, there are many “food for people” that we can offer our feline friends. However (and equally important), there are specific foods that are not healthy or even insecure for cats to eat: Below is a list of some of those articles.
Raw animal products: If your cat has an outdoor access, you are likely to complement your diet with local wildlife and consume a lot of raw meat and even bones, so you can ask why it is not recommended to feed raw animal products. Due to agriculture, transport and killing methods, the risk of contamination of raw animal products with bacteria is very large. That is one of the many reasons why most people who eat meat cook first! Just as they can cause diseases in humans, these bacteria can also cause diseases in cats, so it is recommended not to feed these articles to any pet. The symptoms of food poisoning of raw animal products can vary from vomiting and diarrhea to potentially fatal sepsis.
Chocolate: Although cats lack sweet receptors and, therefore, they do not have so much chocolate desire and humans, they can still consume it if they are offered. It is well known that chocolate is poisonous for dogs: it is also so poisonous for cats, and because they are so small, much lower doses are required for toxic effects. This is a potentially fatal toxicity, since it can cause cardiovascular and neurological problems.
Milk and dairy: It was once the fashion to get a dish of milk for cats, but that has been frowned upon for quite some time. Most adult animals (including humans!) Do not naturally produce lactase, the enzyme necessary to digest lactose, the main sugar found in milk. Young kittens express the enzyme so that they can digest lactose in their mother’s milk, but once they are weaned, their bodies stop producing it unless they are chronically exposed to dairy products. For that reason, most cats will develop digestive problems such as diarrhea when dairy products are received.
Grapes and raisins: Even small doses of grapes, or even worse, pass, can cause kidney damage in cats.
Onions and garlic: Although cats will not normally appreciate their onion or straight garlic offer, they can eat them if combined with other ingredients. Large doses of onion or garlic can cause damage to red blood cells, so these foods should always be avoided.
Other ways to celebrate
Birthdays are not fair On food, there are other ways in which we can show our feline family how much we appreciate them. Enter any pet store and you will be surprised by the variety of toys available for cats, there is something for everyone! Some cats love wrinkled tinsel balls, others lose their heads due to soft toys stuffed with kittera grass and, of course, are interactive toys such as posts and flirting wands or remote control mice. Involving your cat at stake is an excellent way to interact with them, since it burns calories, develops muscle and stimulates its natural impulse to stalk and hunt safely and controlled.
If you are organizing a party for your appreciated cat, make sure you have a safe space you can escape if necessary. Some cats are social butterflies and prosper with guests around, while others may prefer the opportunity for some loneliness. They are not ungrateful, they are only independent creatures that need a bit of “time” sometimes!
I wish you and your skin friend a very special day!
Dr. Sarah Dodd
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